Special Offers on Late Availability Self-Catering Cottages at Portmeirion
Book online or contact our reservations team via email on [email protected]
Kindly note that the full balance payment is requested on confirmation with all late availability reservations.
**As per our self-catering terms, no refund will be given in the event of cancellation of cottages. We advise all guests to ensure an adequate level of travel insurance to cover the possibility of cancellation.
Existing Self-Catering reservations cannot be transferred
Borthwen Bach- £495
Dolphin- £495
Borthwen Bach- £495
Dolphin- £768
Borthwen Bach- £768
Angel- £768
Tollhouse- £768
Deudraeth Cottage- £492
Borthwen Cottage- £552
Cliff House- £616
Angel- £616
Goverment House- £720
Dolphin- £772
Battery - £676
Cliff House-£772
Tollhouse- £772
Chantry- £888
Borthwen Bach- £772