New Tree Trail

Portmeirion will be marking the event with the launch of the new Tree Trail. The Tree Trail is a guide to 80 trees in the Portmeirion woodlands including 57 Champion Trees with three coloured routes ranging from an easy access 1-hour trail to the more challenging 3-hour trail.
Portmeirion is surrounded by 70 acres o exotic woodlands with 19 miles of pathways which cut through forests, secret spaces and coastal coves. Native trees line the main driveway into Portmeirion and the imposing Castell Deudraeth. Exotic trees at Portmeirion include the Chilean Southern Beech, Indian Horse chestnut, a big Californian Giant Redwood and a row of young Monterey Pine trees. Our ornamental trees include the Japanese Zelkova, the blossoming cherry trees and an American Red Oak.
A special Tree Trail Guidebook has been developed and is available to purchase from the Portmeirion Welcome Centre.